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“People rarely succeed, unless they have fun in what they are doing”
Dale Carnegie


Our aim is to help you build a great relationship and bond with your dog built on trust and understanding. We hope you and your dog will enjoy our classes and have a lot of fun and maybe one or two aha-moments. Our goal is to equip you with all the tools you need to teach your dog the life skills she/he needs to follow you through your everyday life.

We use positive reinforcement (R+) training, a rewards-based training method. We want you and your dog to have fun, not only during our sessions but every day.





The client must provide a current vaccination certificate (C5). The client also has to make sure their dog is updated with ongoing flea and tick treatment and medications. The client has to provide a copy via email, WhatsApp, etc. or bring the original to their first class so a photo can be taken.


It is the client's responsibility to ensure that their dog is healthy, free of parasites, and shows no signs of illness, sickness, or disease. We reserve the right to exclude a dog from training if he/she shows any signs of illness, sickness, parasites or a bitch on heat. The client agrees to waive all claims and releases us of all liability for any injury, illness, sickness, death, damages and loss to their dog and/or their property while in attending training group classes or individual trainings.



In the event of extreme weather (wind/storm, rain, or heat) it is at the trainer’s discretion whether training will start/continue. The trainer will take into account the handlers’ but foremost the dogs’ wellbeing as the utmost priority, as extreme weather can cause dogs to panic, get anxious, less focused or have the potential to get overheated and ill. We will advise you as soon as possible when a class needs to be rescheduled, and we will work with you to reschedule to an appropriate date.



All handlers are required to wear covered shoes during our training sessions. This is a Workplace Health and Safety requirement. Handlers wearing inappropriate footwear may be excluded from training for their own safety; in case of Individual Trainings this means the lesson will be cancelled with no refund. In any event, ACC or their trainers will not be liable for accident or injury resulting from inappropriate footwear.

We recommend wearing comfortable clothes as some exercises might require bending, kneeling, sitting on the ground, stretching etc.

Please note that smoking is not permitted on our property and during classes and there are no toilet facilites.




Please note that each lesson will be a mix of theory and practical learning. All advice given during training is given to our best knowledge and belief. However, we are not responsible for any damage that may result from its implementation.

If you bring children to training, you are responsible for their care and appropriate supervision. Care should be taken that children do not unnecessarily disrupt training.  Do not allow children to approach dogs without first checking with the handler. Some dogs are not accustomed to children and may be uncertain of your child’s affection.

Handlers must disclose to the trainer any danger or sensitivities their dog may present and any situations that may provoke aggression in their dog.  Handlers are responsible for avoiding those situations.

Where chairs are provided, use is at your own risk.

Whilst in class, all handlers must adhere to any and all safety instructions and directions given to them by the trainer in charge.

Dogs must be kept on lead at all times when arriving and leaving the premises and during class unless otherwise directed by the instructor.

Do not allow your dog to approach another dog unless directed by an instructor. Not all dogs are comfortable being approached by a strange dog whilst restrained.

Check chains, head collars/haltis, pinch collars or e-collars etc. are not permitted in our classes. Use a flat collar or harness only.

Minimum attendance 3 dog-handler-teams. We reserve the right to cancel a lesson if the minimum number of teams cannot be reached.



Ongoing Group Classes take place every week. You can join and leave the group at any time. You only pay for the lessons you attend. Please advise us if you want to leave an ongoing course so we are able to give your spot to someone else. You will receive a message 1 or 2 days prior to each lesson giving you the time and location of our next training session. Please respond to that message confirming your attendance.

Loyalty Card: Pay for 10 lessons in advance and receive a 10% discount. Our Loyalty Card is valid for 6 months, that means you have to use the credit within 6 months; after this date the credit expires.



Please bring your dog’s favourite TOY and plenty of high-value, soft TREATS such as dried chicken, cheese, devon. Please make sure that the treats are cut into small pieces. If you think they are the right size, you can probably cut them in half.

Please bring your dog’s HARNESS (or alternatively a FLAT COLLAR) and a LEAD of around 1.8m and a long lead (3 to 5m) if you have one. We do not allow Flexi retractable leads, choke/check collars, chain collars, spray or zipper devices, etc. during our classes.

Leads and collars made from BioThane™ can be ordered and purchased from us. Please ask for details.

Please bring POO BAGS and clean up after your dog.

If your dog is unwell, for the safety of the other dogs, please do not bring your dog to training before talking to your vet and notifying us.

If your dog is in heat, please do not bring to classes.



We all lead busy lives and lives change. If you are no longer able to attend your booked course/program, please notify us as soon as possible. We might be able to switch you to a different, more suitable time (subject to spaces available).

In case you have to or want to transfer to another dog, please notify us and we will do our best to accommodate your change in circumstances (fees may apply).

If you feel that the course/program booked is not right for you and/or your dog’s skill level, please let us know and we will do our best to adapt your training within the course/program or suggest transfer to another more suitable course/program.



Individual Trainings are only available by appointment (date, time and location). Prices vary, are based on the prices stated on our website plus travel costs (where applicable). An appointment cancelled by the client later than 24 hours before the date and time of their appointment will be charged at the full rate (excl. travel costs, if applicable). Payment is either cash on the day or via bank transfer. Please note that payment via bank transfer has to be in our account on the day of the appointment.



We are a mindDog Australia Approved Assistance Dog Trainer. We will work with our clients towards the PAT (Public Access Test). Please note that we will give you the tools and advice how to train your dog. We cannot guarantee any success as it is up to you to train your dog. The conditions regarding bookings, cancellations etc. as set out in these T&C apply.



We agree to complete all dog walking in a safe and professional manner and in compliance with all applicable laws.

The client agrees to disclose any known behavioural or aggression issues displayed by their dog with other animals, toys, food or humans. The client is solely responsible for any harm or injury caused by their dog while under our care. Any loss and damage sustained by us shall be claimable pursuant to relevant rules.

The client will provide a flat collar or harness that the dog cannot slip out of.

The client will inform us if their dog requires medication, provide sufficient information, instructions and medicine while in our care.

The client shall provide proof of C5 vaccination/s for their dog and veterinarian details prior to the commencement of dog walking services.

The client agrees that their dog is updated with ongoing flea and tick prevention program, vaccinations and medications.

The client agrees to waive all claims and releases us of all liability for any injury, illness, death, damages and loss to their dog and/or their property while in our care.

The client is responsible for access to the dog on the scheduled day for dog walking, including providing keys where necessary for access. If for some reason we are unable to gain access to the dog, the walk will still be charged at the full rate. Any walks cancelled later than 5pm the night before the date will be charged at the full rate. There is no charge for walks cancelled prior to this.

 If the owner allows the dog unsupervised access to the backyard or any other outdoor area, we are not liable for any accident or mishap that might occur within these boundaries.

All new dogs will be subject to a maximum 6-week probationary period. If we deem the behaviour or personality of a dog has changed to the extent it has become a danger to itself, our staff or other animals or persons, we reserve the right to cease the dog walking agreement.

We reserve the right to administer necessary aid to and/or transport of the dog to a vet should the client’s dog become ill. We will attempt to contact the client’s own vet but reserve the right to transport the dog to another vet, if necessary.

The client is responsible for all related costs associated with any emergency visit to a vet. The client further agrees to pay the vet invoice within seven (7) days of the invoice being issued.





The full amount of the fee for Group Classes is due 7 days prior the first lesson. If you prefer cash payment, please inform us in writing in advance. Please note that bank transfer payments must be in our account on the day of the first lesson.

The fee for Individual Trainings and Assistance Dog Trainings is either cash on the day or via direct deposit. Please note that bank transfer payments must be in our account on the day of the lesson.



Please notify us in writing (email, WhatsApp, text message, etc.) about your cancellation.


Fixed-term Group Classes: A full refund, less a $25.00 administration fee, will be made on cancellations received more than 7 days prior to the first lesson. A 50% refund will be made on a cancellation between 7 days and 1 day prior to the first lesson. No refund will be made once the course/program has commenced i.e. cancellation on the day of the first lesson or no-show.

Please note that you are still responsible for payment even if you do not cancel and/or do not attend the course/training.

We reserve the right to cancel any course/training program. If a course/training program is cancelled, we will make every effort to advise you.

If a course/training program must be cancelled from our side, we will refund the proportioned amount of the remaining course/program, e.g., if a course/program is cancelled before it commences you will receive a 100% refund of fees paid; if a course/program is cancelled after 2 weeks of a 4 or 6-week course, you will receive a 50% refund of fees paid.


Individual Training: If you cancel your Individual Training less than 24 hours before your appointment, the full amount (less travel surcharge where applicable) is due and no refund will be made.


Assistance Dog Training: We will not charge any cancellation fee if you cancel at least 2 hours before your appointment and you have to cancel your appointment due to your medical condition.




We offer high quality collars and leads handmade to order from BioThane® Beta®. BioThane® is basically a polyester webbing with a TPU or PVC coating that makes it more durable, waterproof and easy to clean. It is stronger and easier to maintain than leather and available in different colours and widths. It is manufactured only in the U.S.A.

We accept no liability for the durability of the products, in particular injury or loss, or any personalization, damage from chewing or wear and tear. With good care, the products can be used for years. Please follow our care instructions.



With your booking and/or enrolment of one of our courses or trainings you declare that you have read and understand these Terms & Conditions and acknowledge that attendance at any dog(s) training classes and/or individual training sessions is not without risk to yourself, family or visitors who attend with you, or your dog because some of the dogs to which you might be exposed to may be difficult to control and may cause injury even when handled with the greatest amount of care. You understand that you are responsible for your own dog and are attending at your own risk. You agree and understand that you release Academy for Canine Companions - Claudia Weber and/or staff members from all and any claims, demands or actions whatsoever in relation to or arising out of any injury, damage or consequential loss sustained by you or your dog(s) including any injury, damage or consequential loss caused by Claudia Weber and/or staff members and you agree to indemnify Academy for Canine Companions - Claudia Weber and/or staff members in respect of any claims, demands or actions made against them as a result of either your and/or your dog(s)’s participation in any activity whatsoever with Academy for Canine Companions - Claudia Weber.


You understand that your dog(s) may not be fully trained at the end of the training course/program. It is up to you (the dog’s owner) to continue your dog’s training at home for her/him to learn. The trainer will endeavour to assist where necessary for you to work with your dog but practicing at home is a large component of training your dog.


Copyright © 2024 All website content and photos Academy for Canine Companions/Claudia Weber. All rights reserved.

Academy for Canine Companions

T E Bean & C Weber

Kleinton QLD 4352


ABN: 444 595 758

Phone: 0481 277 084





Accessibility Statement for Wix


This is an accessibility statement from Academy for Canine Companions.

Conformance status


The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. Wix is partially conformant with WCAG 2.1 level AA. Partially conformant means that some parts of the content do not fully conform to the accessibility standard.



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We try to respond to feedback within 1 business day.


This statement was created on 6 December 2023 using the W3C Accessibility Statement Generator Tool.

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